worldwide stock

A system for monitoring social networks based on artificial intelligence. The № 1 tool for trader.

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Analysis of social activity by financial tickers


Our system analyzes signals from social networks in real time


Millions of monitoring sources


Daily Current Trend updates

What does monitoring social signals look like?

Accessible visualization of growing or falling social activity rates around tickers

Comparative analysis of stocks and mentions on social media - which is often a persistent factor in a stocks performance

Highlight your tickers and receive real-time notifications.
Use signals from social media to plan your purchases of crypto currency. Choose the most promising offers.

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Create a list of priority stocks.
You can individually create a list of shares, which will be monitored by our system.
The artificial intelligence of our system will analyze the entire array of data obtained from social networks and group info-talks into categories.
This will give a more accurate picture of the situation around your tickers.


Monitoring and analysis of all areas of investment
Analysis of signals from social networks in real time
Millions of monitoring sources
Accessible visualization of growing or falling social activity rates around tickers
Daily Current Trend updates
Analysis of crypto-coins purchase based on signals from social networks
Automated monitoring of all sources with artificial intelligence
Daily newsletter with up-to-date market analysis


20 tickers
1 month

Information about stocks

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Informative graphics

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20 tickers
1 year

Information about stocks

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Informative graphics

38$ 56.6$
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Customer Reviews

Brandon Maclearing

The first service to show such information. Useful for beginners and experienced investors.


Christopher Jones

Ease of use. User-friendly interface. Up-to-date information is always updated in time.


Ethan Sponly

BoomUP collects data on which financial assets - stocks, bonds, crypto, currencies - investment companies now recommend investing in.


Emily White

Provides quality analysis of the U.S. stock market.


Richard Blum

An interesting product for investors. Before I never connected social networks and work with stock exchanges. It turned out to be useful. You can quickly learn the trends.


Tyler Silver

I try to always plan everything a few steps ahead. This service has proven to be a reliable assistant in investments.


Howard Dinner

The information sent here helps even novice investors with little capital to understand and invest.


Josh Royez

Even experienced investors need their own assistant. I think this is a useful product. It gives the right information.
